Parabatix : Dubaï 2014
18 November 2014The Parabatix Sky Racers are back in Dubai for the second instalment of our urban air racing show.
28th – 30th November : Qualifying rounds & Air displays
1st – 5th December : Main Race days & Air displays
Entry fee : FREE
Together with our friends at Skydive Dubai & Sky
Hub Paramotors we bring you the most impressive of aerial skills our sport has to offer! We will be publishing five daily videos during the main race days so keep an eye out for them!
See all informations about the event
For the latest news and live blog & ‘behind the scenes‘ information check out our Facebook page.
Media Exposure
Each year our events have been getting bigger and bigger and our media coverage has been multiplying ten fold!
Our latest Parabatix video has gone totally viral with overONE MILLION+ views in just a few months, spreading across the internet like wild fire!
Our overall media coverage and audience has been estimated at 14 million people in non-specialized (TV internet, newpapers, magazines) and specialized ‘Flying related’ medias.
Making Parabatix a powerful and innovative way to promote your company / brand / message.
Here is a selection of screen shots taken from a few of the many major news sites featuring Parabatix after our last event.
We take our media exposure very seriously as this is the key connection to the mass audience.
For more information & media report survey please don’t hesitate to contact us here >>