Javi Guerra
Birthday | 15 Dec 1987 |
Hometown | Berga, Spain |
Food | Apple pie |
Favourite place to fly | Berga |
Spirit animal | Albatross |
Favourite terrain | Mountains |
Wing | Sky Paragliders |
Motor | Kangook Vittorazi |
Javi is the younger brother of the infamous Sky Racer Paco Guerra.
His family (who all fly) say that they are not 100% sure if he started walking before he could fly! Javi has been part of the Spanish national team for more than five years and like his brother he is a seasoned paramotor and paraglider instructor. When he is not teaching people to fly in one of northern Spain’s largest flying school he turns to his other passion as a performance artist in Barcelona! You wont miss Javi in the sky this year, when you see him fly he is a ball of energy and a force to be reckoned with!